The Modfin story
The absolute uniqueness that differentiates Modfin Systems from any other similar product- and service provider, is the combination of accounting processes and thinking styles of the parties involved.
On the accounting side, Modfin specialises in complex interfaces between payroll and accounting systems, including the job costing arena. This insight enables us to resolve problems that would normally require different companies with different skillsets to join forces. Therefore, we are able to provide a one-stop solution by integrating complementing disciplines under one roof.
By offering more than one accounting solution, we support a value-added approach, as we can recommend a perfect fit for the industry involved, rather than forcing a single package to work where the software does not complement the environment. Furthermore, we simplify processes by avoiding duplication between systems, e.g., if the payroll carries all the details of salaries, overtime, and statutory payments, we do not duplicate such in the accounting system, we rather integrate the information. Our aim is to work smarter, instead of harder.
In a situation where a lot of detail is required to determine costing for a project, we recommend the use of a job costing module, where the job shows all relevant items, but the accounting system only shows the bottom line. By seamless integration of two different reporting mechanisms, we supply answers to project managers and financial managers, each according to their own language (by figure of speech).
One of the accounting packages we promote, is an award-winning system, Exchequer Accounting, that wins an international award in Europe almost on an annual basis, e.g., Financial Software Supplier for SME’s – 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. For 2012, Exchequer won the overall Financial Software Supplier. Other awards are: Best of Breed, Best functionality, Best service… Modfin Systems is the sole distributor of Exchequer in Africa.
However, whilst attending to all the technical jargon in various financial arenas, Modfin has a unique approach to enfold the complete process. This entails the application of a model where we determine the thinking styles of the whole team involved in the project, to enhance the processes, and increase effectiveness. This model is called the HBDI (Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument), which simply reveals how you prefer to think, via a web-based questionnaire. The HBDI measures your thinking style, acknowledges your unique approach, and creates an awareness for the rest of the team.
- The preferences that are measured determines whether you first start analysing, processing, thinking about the future, or caring about the people.
- How do you approach a problem?
- Can you rescue a project?
- Are you able to work in a team?
- Do you hate your clients?
As every person has a different thinking style, our aim is to create awareness of your own preferences, and insight in the preferences of your colleagues, summarised as follows:

We believe the combination of accounting skills with insight of the relevant thinking styles, is absolutely unique, enabling us to excel to a new level of expertise, adding value for our clients by not only attending to their accounting system, but also to their most valuable asset – their staff.